Lemurian Seed Master Recordkeeper Timelink Quartz Crystal Point
Lemurian Seed Master Recordkeeper Timelink Quartz Crystal Point
This Lemurian Seed Master Recordkeeper Timelink Quartz Crystal Point has multiple magnificant keyhole inclusions and recordkeeper formations. It also has a timelink inclusion, multiple rainbow and phantom inclusions and a self healed bottom. It measures 1 1/4 inches tall x 3/4 inches wide and weighs 17 grams.
This is a magical crystal healing tool that will support you in visualizing and embodying your future self through connecting to the wisdom of the past.
This crystal can stand up on it's own. In the picture it is only supported in sand.
This crystal comes from a recent batch of crystals that have many recordkeeper formations within the self-healed bottom. This is rare, and an indication that this crystal helps to unlock wisdom within self healing.
It is believed that the ancient civilization of Lemurians left behind these crystal points, etched with the divine wisdom that is our birthright for future generations. With meditation and regular attention, this crystal is here to connect you to the divine light at the center of your being and inspire enlightened decision-making and actions.
Lemurian crystals are found embedded in a matrix surrounded by loose sandy soil. Those with experience removing Lemurian crystals from the mines say that they found many long points directed downward in the loose, sandy soil, as if someone standing above placed them there. Channeled information disclosed that the high priests and priestesses of the ancient Lemurian civilization had "seeded" the mountains of the Serra do Cabral, Brazil, and planted directly in loose sandy soil, thousands of years before recorded history.
The Lemurians who are said to have planted the crystals are known as Earthkeepers - divine beings whose primary purpose was to act as guardians of the knowledge and wisdom of our Mother Earth. Lemurian Seed crystals hold a sacred connection to the divine feminine and inspire feelings of unity, wholeness and oneness.
Physical: Very nurturing to the physical body, Lemurian quartz, like clear quartz strengthens your immune system and overall wellness. To bring the medicine of Lemurian Seed Quartz into your body you can create a gem water infusion.
Mental/Emotional: Lemurian Quartz brings you into deeper alignment with the emotional intelligence within your subconscious. Helps to cut through uncertainty and doubt to illuminate the truth.
Spiritual: Lemurian Quartz helps to awaken spiritual insight. Lemurian Seed Quartz helps to open your Crown Chakra and Soul Chakra. This sacred crystal point is coded with Lemurian consciousness. Work with Lemurian Quartz in meditation to deepen your connection to the energies of the crystal.
The Record Keeper is one of the most sacred crystals that could ever be witnessed or worked with. Eons of wisdom can be stored within such crystal, and when properly attuned to, can reveal ancient knowledge and profound secrets of the universe.
Natural Inclusions have absorbed learning from this planet over long periods of time, these healing memories can be accessed thought meditating with the crystal. It helps in meditation to put the past into perspective and points the way towards growth and evolution, it is helpful in seeing the deeper meaning behind any life situation.
Rainbow Inclusions found within quartz crystals stimulates and awareness of universal love, draws off negativity and disperses healing energy to the individual working with it and to the environment it is kept in.
Phantom Inclusions symbolize universal awareness and look like ghostlike inclusions within the body of the larger crystal. Phantom inclusions have absorbed learning from this planet over long periods of time, these healing memories can be accessed thought meditating with the crystal. Many people use phantom quartz crystals to connect to a spiritual guide, move into past lives for healing past experiences.
A timelink quartz has a slanted diamond-shaped face on one of it's terminations. If the diamond is slanting backwards, it is called a timelink and supports your connects to healing from the past. If the diamond is slanting forward, it is called a future link and supports your connection to the future. The foreward slanting timelinks are more rare than the backward facing timelinks.
This powerful little point has a timelink window positioned forewards! This formation is a tool in visualizing and embodying your future self.
Timelink quartz helps to give you a fresh perspective, helps you to clear low vibrational emotions and memories and integrate them for the purpose of soul growth.
There is alot of quartz online labeled 'Lemurian' that does not originate from the original source or hold the frequency of true Lemurian quartz. Our Lemurian Quartz is genuine and from our heart-centered crystal partners that source this quartz from the Brazilian mines surrounding the mountains of the Serra do Cabral in Minas Gerais. You can feel the energy of this quartz palpably when you hold in it your hand - it radiates a powerful frequency.
Each of our crystals is anointed with our organic therapeutic grade essential oils when you purchase it. The essential oils align the energy of the crystal with a special and sacred intention. When you purchase this crystal, please indicate your anointing choice. Here are the choices available:
Clary Sage - Clarity of Mind
Sandalwood - Realize Unity
Lemongrass - Purification
Cypress - Transcendent Acceptance
About Our Crystals
Our crystals are high vibrational crystals sourced with love and hand-picked for the healing arts practitioner. Each crystal is of the highest gemstone quality, specifically, we only source ethically mined crystals of the highest clarity, rarity, freedom of defects with great attention to valuable healing properties and beauty of the stone.
All crystals are kept in a highly vibrating space. All of our crystals are continuously cleared; we work with them so that they are at their highest vibration when you receive them. Our lives are dedicated to bringing an awareness of crystal healing to the planet. Every crystal that we ship to you is a part of our fulfillment of this mission.
Our shipping process is sacred. High vibrational frequencies surround our shipping area, and we invoke the highest love and light to facilitate the anointing. Each crystal is anointed individually, charged with light and wrapped with love before it begins it’s journey to you.
We have shipped hundreds of crystals since 2011. We have never had a request to return a crystal once it was shipped. Every crystal that we have is even more beautiful in person than we can capture in a photograph. However, if for any reason you are not in love with your crystals, you can return them for free.
Shipping to USA, free over $44
International shipping, free over $144
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