The Fifth Dimension, the Seven Treasures & Crystalline Cities of Light

The Fifth Dimension, the Seven Treasures & Crystalline Cities of Light

The fifth dimension exists within a unity consciousness. In the fifth dimension, all spirit is ONE with you now. There is no one who is more “evolved” than you. In the fifth dimension we do not perceive in terms of “more or less”, we see all as a kaleidoscope of love.

The fifth dimension is a perceptual and energetic plane of reality. 

When we consciously choose to live in alignment with the fifth dimension, our attention shifts our perception of reality. Before we begin this journey, the third dimension is our present and the fifth dimension is our future. As you continue forward, you experience the reality that you have known as the third dimension to be moving into your “past,” while the reality that you experience as the fifth dimension is moving into your “present.” There is no “future,”

When your attention is in the fifth dimension, there is only the NOW. 

The Seven Treasures

"At that time in the Buddha's presence there was a tower adorned with the seven treasures... It's banners and canopies were made of the seven treasures, namely, gold, silver, lapis lazuli, seashell, agate, pearl, and carnelian, and it was so high it reached to the heavenly palaces of the Four Heavenly Kings"

The seven treasures that were in the Buddha's presence were direct reflections of his highest self and his connection with ultimate reality. There are repeated references to these treasures of the earth throughout the sutras, but specifically here as comprising the shelter and proclamation of glory in the form of canopies and banners, show that these seven treasures served a heavenly purpose, so much so that they deserved the company of the Four Heavenly Kings.

This is an excerpt from the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra is a series of sacred scriptures recorded as the Buddha gave his final sermons. There are 1,487 sutras preached by Buddha, the Lotus Sutra is the most widely studied because it teaches the principle and deepest teachings of the Buddha. Burton Watson, a translator of the Lotus Sutra provides a beautiful summary of the opening of the text,

"The Lotus Sutra depicts events that take place in a cosmic world of vast dimensions... Like nearly all sutras, the Lotus begins with the Buddha's close disciple Ananda speaking the words, "This is what I heard." ...

"Ananda proceeds to describe the staggering number and variety of human, nonhuman, and heavenly beings who have gathered to listen to the Buddha's discourse...Its setting, its vast assembly of listeners, its dramatic occurances at the end belong to a realm that totally transcends our ordinary concepts of time, space and possibility. Again and again we are told of events that took place countless, indescribable numbers of kalpas or eons in the past, or of beings or worlds that are as numerous as the sands of millions and billions of Ganges rivers."

In Pure Land Buddhism, the most practiced form of Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia, the Buddha teaches about a futuristic cities of light. 

Amitabha & the Pure Land

Pure Land Buddhism worships the Buddha Amitabha—“Buddha of Infinite Light,”. The Pure Land belief is based on three Sanskrit sutras. In the first sutra, those who meditated and who recited the name of Amitabha were reborn in a Western Paradise, Sukhavati, known as the Pure Land, or Pure Realm. The faithful would then remain in that beautiful land, free from pain and want, until they were ready for final enlightenment.

In the longer Pure Land sutra, Buddha tells the story of Amitabha: many eons ago, as a monk. He learned about the glories of innumerable buddha lands, whereupon he vowed to create his own buddha land, making it more excellent than all the others and drawing into it all creatures who invoke his name. Those who called upon Amitabha, accumulated merit and concentrated on enlightenment would enter the Pure Land. In the final and definitive Pure Land sutra, we learn that the blessed land is not a reward for good works but is accessible to anyone who calls upon Amitabha together with his attendant bodhisattvas Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. 

Those that have practiced alignment with the mind of the Bodhisattva, come together to live in a Pure Land. A bodhisattva is someone who is dedicated to achieving enlightenment in order to benefit all beings. They practice the six paramitas, or perfections, of generosity, discipline, patience, exertion, meditation, and transcendental knowledge. The seed of the Bodhisattva is Bodhichitta. Bodhi translates to enlightened and completely open. 

The Pure Land is a place of peace, a place that transcends the darkness and suffering present within the 3rd dimensional Earth. Those who practice Pure Land Buddhism believe that this Pure Land is not a figment of the imagination, but a real place that one can experience on Earth once a Buddha-like state of mind has been achieved.

Both Christianity & Buddhism teach us that when death of any part of our life is present, your resolute focus on divinity, will lead you through gates into a new experience of life. While this is happening, your energy is pulling away from the physical world, and you only feel energetic when you are engaged in an action, with people or in places that resonate with your fifth dimensional consciousness. 

Crystalline Cities of Light

Crystalline Cities of Light exist within the fifth dimension. It is a place where people can communicate their spiritual knowledge, share healing practices and develop full sensory perception. To enter into the Crystalline Cities of Light, you only need an open heart and mind.

It is believed that many of the most ancient civilizations on Earth including ancient Egypt, Machu Picchu, Glastonbury, Hawaii, Greece and Tibet were assisted by knowledge gained through Crystalline Cities of Light.

The original spiritual purpose of creating civilization on Earth was the evolution of the planet and the human race, and to experience enough higher knowledge within the physical body to know unity with the Source of all of Creation.

Here is a beautiful description of this process within the Crystalline Cities of Light:

“Since prior to the Lemurian era, higher-dimensional Cities of Light have interfaced with Earth and her human inhabitants. Since the first initiate had his/her first transcendental experience, humans began to have direct connection to these crystalline cities. Perhaps in a meditation, or lucid dream, the seeker suddenly finds him/herself walking, out-of-body, up a flight of crystal steps toward a beautiful, light-filled, crystal temple.

There a Light Being greets the visitor with a gift of a golden staff, or a robe and crown, or a crystal wand. Words may or may not be exchanged. When the visit is complete the person returns to waking consciousness still feeling the energy and Light flowing through the body. These visits bring great joy and encouragement on the path. The example I just gave is a simple one, compared to the vast possibilities. Yet it is a typical starting point.

Further on in one's path, initiations may be given in the crystalline temples. And eventually, the seeker will be invited to come into an entire crystalline City of Light. These Cities of Light are complete with crystalline walls and gates and often large complexes of temples and various sacred geometry forms.”

Amorah Quan Yin

Fifth Dimensional State of Mind

The parallels between the Fifth Dimension, the Pure Land of Buddhism and what we know as Crystalline Cities of Light is a state of mind. Once must be committed to cultivating the qualities of love, joy and peace in one's mind with the purpose to benefit others.

In both the Pure Land and Crystalline Cities of Light, it is a focused state of mind that allows us to enter. 

Crystals are perfect tools to support us in aligning with the state of mind necessary to enter the Pure Land and Crystalline Cities of Light. All crystals inspire virtuous thoughts. They support us in directing and redirecting our thoughts into the highest vibrational place. 

We must bring regular attention to our crystals and care for them by placing them to charge in the sunlight and moonlight, or placing them back onto the Earth for cleansing in order to experience their highest potential medicine.

"The Japanese called clear quartz, 'the perfect jewel' and viewed it as a symbol of infinite space, purity, perseverance and patience." Robert Simmons

It is not only possession of crystals, but alignment with their wisdom through meditation that supports our minds. Regular time in meditation with cleansed and charged crystals help us to align with the Fifth Dimension, reach the Pure Land and entering Crystalline Cities of Light.


Suguro, Shinjo. 1925. Introduction to the Lotus Sutra. Jain Publishing Company. Fremont, California.

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